The library will remain open
8.00 am - 9.00 pm
Study Hour
8.15 am - 8.30 pm
Cleaning Hour
8.00 am - 8.15 am
8.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Prayer Break
(Only Friday)
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Opening procedures begin 15 minutes after actual opening & closing procedures begin 30 minutes before actual closing.


Welcome to the Sonargaon University Library and Information Division (LID). This Library is one of the pioneer university libraries in Bangladesh in terms of comprehensive collections, variety of services, up to date technology, professionally skilled manpower, user education, etc. We committed to support all the activities, overall vision, mission and programs of the University and our commitment through services geared towards retrieval, acquisition, preservation and dissemination of information in various forms and formats. The staffs of LID are here to serve you and we hope that you will feel comport and at home to stay in the library.

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